In a world where everything is monochrome, the protagonist lives a life of dullness and despair. The land is barren, filled with shades of gray, and the air is heavy with the weight of lost dreams. The only thing that stands out is the distant green glow on the other side of the screen—a color that represents life, hope, and a better future.

Every day, the protagonist dreams of reaching that green side, convinced that it holds the key to happiness, freedom, and everything they've ever wanted. But the screen is an insurmountable barrier, a cruel reminder of what they can never have. Despite this, they never stop trying, driven by a desperate hope that one day, they might break through.

Made in 3 days for the Snappy Gurus Game Off - 2024

had to learn how to use Godot for this 😬


Almost There.exe 79 MB


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Hey, HTML is not running, try enabling SharedArrayBuffer on the upload page.

bro thank you i could not figure it out for the life of me

You're welcome! Glad you got it running.  Very good interpretation of the theme, the "grass is greener" thing is an illusion that moves with each one of us.